The CAIRE Early Career Researcher Grant
Up to $20,000 goes toward early career researchers to support immunization research and evaluation proposals at any stage, from vaccine discovery to implementation.
The early career researcher grants program provides important early career development support to immunization researchers and enhances their ability to compete for future research grants.
The award winner will receive:
Up to $20,000 in support of salary and research-related activities
Grants are tenable for 18 months from date of award.
• Early career researcher, meeting the current CIHR definition, at a Canadian university or recognized institution.
• CAIRE member with current membership fees paid at the time of the deadline.
Eligible expenses
• Salary support for successful applicant
• Research assistance (e.g. salary support for research assistant)
• Data access or analysis fees
• Direct costs associated with research (e.g. consumables, software, transcribing, compensation for research participants, etc.)
• Open-access publication fees
• Conference travel and registration fees
Ineligible expenses
• Institutional overheads
• Computer hardware
• Books
• Other permanent resources
Use of funds should also align with any other relevant institutional policies.
Applications will be assessed by internal reviewers based on the following criteria:
Relevance to CAIRE’s mission
• Alignment of the proposed activities with CAIRE’s mission to build the scientific foundation of optimal immunization programs.
Research impact
• Demonstrates the anticipated impact and outcomes of the proposed research.
• Potential that the proposed research identifies and responds to knowledge and evidence gaps in the field
• Proposed research has a strategic emphasis on public health needs and priorities. This can span across all vaccines and all age groups.
Research approach
• Clarity, scientific merit and originality of the research questions, objectives, design and methodology.
• Inclusion of relevant, multidisciplinary stakeholders and research partners (e.g., communities impacted by research, healthcare providers, and public health professionals).
• Identify proposed research’s limitations and plans to mitigate difficulties encountered in the research process.
• Quality and appropriateness of knowledge translation plans, engaging in activities for the duration of the grant. Plans/dissemination activities should include groups who have historically and continue to face barriers to research and healthcare.
Research excellence
• Applicant’s qualifications and record of accomplishments to be able to conduct the proposed research.
• Evidence of excellence during postgraduate activities (e.g., prizes, presentations, publications etc.)
• Well-articulated how grant will contribute to career progression and goals.
• Feasibility and appropriateness of the proposed activities to address the research questions.
Download the application form (now closed).
To assist you with the application process, please see our help guide and evaluation form.
Applications open: April 22 2024
Applications close: June 4 2024
Results: August 2024