The Canadian Association for Immunization
Research, Evaluation and Education (CAIRE)

Connecting professionals in Canada to enhance vaccine research and immunization programs.

About our 3 areas of focus:

Hand holding globe represents global public health priorities

Research Collaboration & Networking

We promote multidisciplinary collaboration through networking activities and facilitate access to a wide range of research networks to respond to urgent public health priorities.

Shield with check mark represents public health policy development

Evaluation of Public Health Policy

We support the strategic identification of knowledge and evidence gaps and facilitate the necessary research, program evaluation and knowledge translation activities. We strive to center vaccine research and program evaluation in public health policy – spanning all vaccines and all age groups.

Light bulb with arrows cycling around represents vaccinology education


We encourage excellence in vaccinology research and program evaluation through ongoing advanced education initiatives and supporting careers with awards and bursaries.

Make the most of your CAIRE Membership

  • CAIRE Awards

    CAIRE Awards provide opportunities to support immunization research and evaluation as well as early career researchers and trainees.

  • Upcoming Events

    CAIRE regularly hosts events and activities like The CAIRE Research Symposium, problem solving workshops, and more.

  • Resources & Opportunities

    CAIRE offers exclusive online resources and professional opportunities.

  • Professional Networking

    CAIRE has an extensive network of professionals supporting vaccine research and immunization program development, evaluation and training.

Join our community

Vaccine research collaboration has never been more important.
Raise your hand if you’re ready to do something about it.